Real Name: Unknown; surname alternately offered as Deivirile or Devirelle
Base of Operations: SoHo, Manhattan, New York
First Appearance: TRIBE #1 (1993)
The sinister Lord Deus Devirelle is a self-proclaimed demigod, though there are no living witnesses to dispute this allegation. Eons old, Lord Deus' body defies the natural order of aging, requiring a month long slumber in an automated pod filled with life prolonging fluids. Afterward, he is attended to by robotic drones, which attach his metallic wardrobe. Mysterious in origin, Lord Deus has faced foes for over a thousand years, and sees himself as apart from humanity. Lord Deus is unknown to the public, but as the true power behind Europan, he remains a menace to the world. While typically content with allowing Victor Von Grock to handle the business, when displeased, Deus does not hesitate to threaten and batter the executive.
Lord Deus will gleefully slaughter a room full of superhumans, if he can find one who survives with something to offer his organization. Following a few modest defeats at the hands of Murdock Ellison's Tribe, Lord Deus chose to openly attack the team without warning, and made short work of most of the team. He was perhaps provoked by the reemergence of his ancient opponent Yaarashea, who had had stripped of most power and identity a millennium prior. Regardless, it was ultimately the teamwork of Tribe and their attack on his seemingly essential chair of power that ended direct hostilities, inducing Lord Deus to teleport away. Among his other named enemies are the Offworlders and Paladins.
Height: 8'0"
Build: Massive
Hair: Bald
Strength level: Lots.
Known superhuman powers: Deus has displayed extensive use of energy manipulation and projection (specifically concentric plasma discharges,) highly advanced senses, and teleportation. He can easily see through illusions and invisibility technology. Deus is protected by a force shield, and can project a localized stasis envelope to trap enemies. As the fractuals discharge, they disperse massive thermal energy into any object placed in a common center. Lord Deus also possesses extraordinary strength and resilience, enough to easily overcome the likes of Hannibal and the Savage Dragon. How many of these abilities are natural, technological, or the result of the mechanisms in his command chair are undetermined at this time. What is clear is that his chair specifically allows for chrono-displacement, sending subjects through time, either to a specific or random point. Severe disorientation is a common side effect, and Deus has been accused of suppressing or wiping away memories for harrowing lengths of time, not limited to a millennium.
© & ™ 1996 Larry Stroman & Todd Johnson
See also: Spawnometer 0:0:3:0: Tribe
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