Thursday, February 18, 2021

Image Sourcebook: Out Cold

Real Name: Duane Montgomery-El
Occupation: Mercenary
Identity: Secret
Base of Operations: New York
First Appearance: TRIBE #1 (1993)
History: Out Cold is the pseudonym of choice for a paid killer, taken to avoid police agencies on the lookout for such colorful personalities in the trade. Duane Montgomery-El built a reputation on murder and mayhem, without realizing that his proficiency would cause the acts to lose their appeal. "I have lost the feeling of challenge, now pointed out as someone to avoid. So I mask my bourgeois upbringing by speaking in urban vernacular and hostile tone. And I dress for attention, hoping to inspire conflict... to feed upon this private aggression singing in me." The crime lord Alberto Cassini brought in the outsider when his own men failed to muscle the Hype club away from The Front, so Out Cold murdered his way past bouncers in pursuit of the proprietor. Sarcastic and hypersensitive, he froze the head of one and punched it to ice cubes, complete with Bondian puns for the horrified party-goers. The kid was rescued by Hannibal, and a knock down, drag out battle ensued. Ultimately, the odds appeared not to favor Out Cold, who tossed an explosive that took out part of the club, then bolted.

Known superhuman powers: Out Cold can flash freeze objects in close proximity to his hand, and can project freezing rays through a specialty handgun. He may also have superhuman strength and resilience, based on the scale of his battle with Hannibal. Whether these abilities are inherent or mechanical isn't clear.

Notes: He's basically Simon Phoenix in action and dialogue, but actually predates Demolition Man.

© & ™ 1996 Larry Stroman & Todd Johnson

See also: Spawnometer 0:0:3:0: Tribe

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