Sunday, January 16, 2022

Image Sourcebook: The Jack (II)

Real Name: Julia Ravenworth
Occupation: British Intelligence
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Citizen of the United Kingdom
Place of Birth: Los Angeles
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Abner Ravenworth (grandfather)
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: England
First Appearance: TROLL II #1 (1994)
Julia Ravenworth is an agent of British Intelligence and a legacy heroine who has taken up her grandfather's mantle as the new Jack. Following his demise, Julia notified Abner's old partner Troll at the Youngblood base in Washington, D.C., and they met for a quiet observance at his grave before beginning to investigate his murder. With the help of Abner's journal, the pair uncovered a months-long plot to replace the world's scientists with synthetic duplicates. Among them was Dr. Joseph McCall, the father of Youngblood team member Badrock, who joined in a pursuit that led to the South American base of Dr. Franz Völger. Believed dead since 1944, the Professor was instead in hiding, assisting other Nazis in exile following Germany's defeat as they collectively pursued a Fourth Reich. To this end, Völger constructed The Übernaught Mark II, a towering robot body into which his consciousness would be placed, with the aid of the kidnapped scientists.

The trio traced Völger to Brazil, where they were set upon by an armed squad of "Cyber Nazis." Although the Jack initially held her own, all but Troll were captured and taken to Völger's base. Soon, Völger's mind rested within the Übernaught, but Troll managed to distract the ten ton automaton and free Badrock. The pair severely shocked and partially dismantled the Übernaught before Völger activated the base's self-destruct mechanism. The Jack, Dr. McCall, Badrock, and Troll all managed to escape, with the Übernaught once again presumed destroyed. Troll congratulated the new Jack on a successful first outing, and felt "Abner's legacy is in good hands!"

Height: Average
Build: Fit
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Strength level: Presumed normal human strength for her age, height, and build.
Known superhuman powers: None. The Jack appears to possess acrobatic abilities and fair fighting skills, as well as being useful with firearms.
Notes: Julia Ravenworth wears a lightly modified variation on The Jack's anachronistic World War II era uniform, mostly accounting for differences in build and gender. However, the new Jack's mask ends midway down the bridge of the nose and spreads along the cheeks down to the jaw.
© & ™ 1994 Karl Altstaetter & Robert Napton

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